Gippsland Rotary Centenary House does not receive any ongoing government funding for operational expenses and so must undertake fundraising activities to ensure the House remains financially viable for day-to-day expenses and future improvements.
As a community owned facility we rely heavily on the local businesses, groups and individuals for support.
Making a donation
Please complete the attached donation form to make a donation to Centenary House. Please note that all donations are tax deductible.
Payroll deductions
Several local businesses support Centenary House with pre-tax payroll donations from staff.
For more information please refer to the Payroll Deductions Form.
Donations in memoriam
Centenary House has forms available for donations in memoriam, these can be made anonymously if required. The family will receive a letter acknowledging the donation with the total received and a list of those you contributed, however individual amounts are not disclosed. The donor will receive a letter and receipt.
Gippsland Rotary Centenary House welcomes bequests from estates and arrangements can be made to appropriately acknowledge the support if desired. For more information please contact Centenary House staff.
Commercial programs
Bendigo Bank
By doing something as simple as banking with the Bendigo Bank or Telco business with the Community Enterprise, you can generate proceeds for Centenary House. This will not cost you anything but will support Centenary House financially. For more information contact your nearest Bendigo Bank or call 1300 366 666.
Fundraising Events
The Fundraising Sub-committee undertakes numerous events and activities to support Centenary House.