House Layout

On arrival
- If you intend arriving outside operating hours or during the weekend you will need to make special arrangements with staff during normal working hours (9.00am to 4.00pm Monday to Friday).
- Off street parking, including disability parking, is available adjacent to the house.
- At the earliest opportunity, our staff or a volunteer will give you an introduction to the features of the House and make you aware of mutual obligations while staying here. If you have any issues, please do not hesitate to seek help. Our objective is to help you and minimise your concerns. Your feedback is encouraged so we can continually improve the service we provide.
- You will be issued a key which will give you access to the external doors and your room. During normal working hours the front door is automatic, but it is locked at other times. If the door is locked, touch the blue fob or wrist band to the centre of the key pad. The door will open to allow you in, but will lock when it closes. To exit the building outside normal working hours, press the green button on the side of the door panel. Again the door will open and close, then lock. Please ensure you take your key with you when you leave.
- You must lock your room if you wish to secure it and you are responsible for your valuables. A $20 deposit is required to be lodged at the time the key is issued, which will be returned when the key is returned on departure. If leaving after hours please leave your key in the key return box at reception.
- Your room will be made up ready for your arrival, however, you will be responsible for keeping your room clean and tidy during your stay. A vacuum cleaner and cleaning products are available in the laundry. We ask that on departure you leave the room as you found it, including clean linen on the beds. Linen is provided in your room and additional linen is available in the laundry.
- A noticeboard is located on the wall outside the Manager’s Office beside the reception. Please check it on arrival and at regular intervals for any notices or messages.
- A guest and visitor log book is located on the reception desk. You must sign in and out each time you enter or leave the facility.
- There are 30 rooms at the facility so there may be other guests in the house when you arrive. Please keep noise to a minimum if arriving at night.
Guest Rooms
Our guest rooms vary in shape and size but they all include the following facilities / equipment:
- Two single beds with linen. Additional sofa / trundle beds are available in some rooms.
- Lounge chairs.
- Dining table and chairs.
- Kitchenette with sink, fridge, microwave, toaster, kettle and basic crockery / cutlery.
- Ensuite with shower, toilet, handrails and towels.
- Television (free to air channels).
- Telephone.
- Heater.
- Fan (ceiling or pedestal).

Staying with GRCH
- Centenary House is an accommodation facility only. No assistance is provided with care of guests. All individuals staying in the house must be fully independent. If needed, a carer is welcome to stay with the patient. It is recommended that all patients are accompanied if possible.
- The accommodation is totally self-catered. Guests must provide all their own food and attend to their own cooking and cleaning. Limited tea/coffee etc is supplied. There are also some emergency supplies in the pantry in the stage 1 communal kitchen through the dining room. Your key will also open this door.
- Please feel free to use any of the communal areas, ensuring that you leave them tidy for use by other guests.
- All accommodation is provided at the discretion of the GRCH Operation Manager. Accommodation costs are subject to change and should be confirmed with staff on arrival.
- There is a phone in each room and local calls are free. Dial “0” to get an outside line and then the number. You will require a mobile for long distance and mobile calls. There are instructions on how to use the phone in the room with the direct dial number for your room. This can be given to family so they can ring you directly.
- GRCH can provide limited equipment such as shower chairs, mobility aids and motorised scooters. Please discuss any needs with GRCH staff prior to arrival.
- There is strictly no smoking in the house or internal courtyards.
- If the house is unmanned and you require assistance, there will be a notice on the reception desk with contact details.
- In the event of an emergency at the house dial ‘000’ and request assistance as required (ambulance, fire, police). An Emergency Evacuation Plan is on the back of your room door.
- A Guest Information booklet is located in each room. Please read it on arrival as it contains information to assist you in having a safe and comfortable stay at Centenary House.
Communal facilities
Our communal areas are shared by all guests and include:
- Kitchens (stage 1 & 2)
- Lounge rooms and sitting areas (stage 1, 2 & 3)
- Dining rooms (stage 1 & 2)
- Laundries (stage 1, 2 & 3)
- Children’s play room and outdoor area (stage 1)
- Reading area (stage 1)
- Computer area (stage 1)
- Outside decks and courtyards (stage 1, 2 & 3)
- BBQ Gazebo
Guest charges
- The costs per night vary based on the distance guests live from the hospital and whether they are eligible for government support. Please note that these charges may vary and should be confirmed with Centenary House staff.
- If the patient resides more than 100 km from the hospital the cost will be $85.00 per night for one guest (patient) and an additional $45.00 for a second person (escort). Victorian Patient Travel Assistance Scheme (VPTAS) will cover $45.00 per person. Additional fees may be charged for extra guests. For more information on VPTAS support, contact 1300 737 073 or refer to the VPTAS website
- If the patient resides less than 100 km from the hospital but still within the Gippsland region, the cost will be $55.00 per night per room for up to two guests. Additional fees may be charged for extra guests. VPTAS offers assistance with travel that can be used toward the cost of accommodation if the patient lives between 50 and 100 km from the hospital and is expected to travel more than 500 km a week for five weeks.
- If the patient resides outside the Gippsland region, the cost will be $55.00 per night per room for up to two guests. Additional fees may be charged for extra guests.
- For those guests who have ever been in the Australian Defence Force and are covered by Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA) the cost will be $70 per night. An additional $70 per night will be charged for an attendant. Additional fees may be charged for extra guests. These costs should be fully reimbursed by DVA. For more information on DVA support, contact 1300 551 918 or refer to the DVA website.
- Please arrange to complete and sign an application for VPTAS or DVA support if you qualify. GRCH may collect this subsidy on your behalf.
On Departure
- All accommodation invoices should be paid prior to departure
- If eligible, a VPTAS or DVA claim form is completed.
- Guests should complete a guest survey.
- All keys (including fobs / wristbands) are to be handed in to staff (or left in the key return box at reception) and the key deposit collected.
- Guests should leave their room tidy with rubbish put out in the bins, dishes washed and dirty linen put in the blue washing baskets in the laundry.
After your stay at Centenary House
Ongoing promotion is vital if we are to continue to provide affordable accommodation to those receiving treatment at the Gippsland Cancer Care Centre / Latrobe Regional Hospital. So, on returning home, if you would like to help us, please consider doing some of the following things:
- Recommend Centenary House to your family and friends if they need accommodation during treatment at Latrobe Regional Hospital.
- Tell your local medical clinic about the accommodation at Centenary House. The clinic can request brochures or promotional material by contacting the Operations Manager on (03) 5171 1600
- Like Centenary House on Facebook
- Write a letter to a local newspaper about your experience at Centenary House.
- Tell local service clubs (eg Rotary, Lions, CWA) about your stay at Centenary House.
- Contact the Member of Parliament for your area about the service provided at the facility.